crablems has nothing to do with crabs or emblems. It is just an anagram of scramble so that's what
it does it unscrambles words. It can generate anagrams or smaller words by using the letters of the
given word.You can specify no of blanks, compulsory letters as well as minimum number of letters for
all words.
crablems can be used to solve (or generate) puzzles or other word-games. You can use it to cheat at
scrabble too although that is not recommended 0:-) .
What can you do with this tool ?
- Cheat in scrabble
- Solve any puzzle that requires unscrambling words
- Find anagrams, blanagrams of words
- Find smaller words that can be formed from a given word
You can also use this tool for more constructive purposes ;). But I can't think of any >:)
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